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Monday, April 28, 2008

The Right Leash and Collar for My Dog

Let’s talk about choosing the proper leash and collar for your dog. I want to start off by saying that I don’t recommend the use of choke collars – I’ll tell you why in a moment. It’s not a pretty story, so if you have a weak stomach you might want to skip the next paragraph or two.

There are a broad variety of collars on the market, from flat nylon to braided leather to rhinestone-studded glam collars – for the most part it’s a matter of personal preference. We’ll take a look at some of the more popular styles, but first – why I don’t recommend choke chains.

I have a friend who is a vet, who of course, given the nature of his business, sees abused and neglected animals come through his practice on a regular basis. I happened to be in his office one day when an animal control officer brought in a pit bull that had been staked out in someone’s yard for months as a guard dog – never socialized, never brought into the house, just staked out 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. He had been restrained by a choke chain that had been hooked to a metal chain on a stake. As he had grown, the choke chain had become embedded in this dog’s neck, to the point where it had to be surgically removed. It was heart-breaking.

An extreme case? Absolutely. But I’ve also seen dogs that have been tied out in other ways using choke chains, and died of strangulation because the chain gets twisted or caught in some way and the dog can’t get loose. I know choke chains are intended to be used as training collars, but too many people use them as everyday collars, and untold dogs are maimed and injured or killed every year by owners who do this. There are too many training alternatives out there, so please, don’t use a choke collar.

A flat buckle collar, either nylon or leather, is your best bet for everyday use. It should fit snugly, but leave room enough for you to slide two fingers between the collar and your dog’s neck. Any looser than that, and it may slide off over your dog’s head. Any tighter and it may cause chafing and discomfort.

The choice of nylon or leather is simply a matter of personal preference – nylon comes in a variety of bright colors, and is a good choice for dogs that spend a lot of time in the water (or mud!) Leather is durable and will absorb oils from your dog’s coat, making it more flexible over time.

The width of the collar should be appropriate to your dog’s size. For example, a wide, heavy or thick collar just won’t work on a Chihuahua, in fact, it would look ridiculous. By the same token, if you have a Rottweiler, a diamond- or rhine-stone-studded poodle collar is going to look pretty silly. And don’t forget an identification tag – if your dog is lost or stolen, this is a quick way for authorities to notify you when your pet is located.

Another terrific solution is a harness – a device that goes around the neck and ribcage, thus eliminating the possibility of choking. Harnesses are an excellent resolution to the problem of having a large dog that hasn’t been well-trained and pulls or lunges when out for a walk. It’s a great way to restrain the pulling without getting in that choking “tug of war” that you sometimes see. Harnesses are also good for small dogs, which can have serious problems with collars pressing on their small and fragile airways.

Now for the proper leash. As with collars, you have a choice of flat nylon or leather (or braided leather is also available), and as with collars, it’s largely a matter of personal preference.

I use a 6 foot nylon leash for training my dog. I find it’s the perfect length for walking, heeling and virtually all of my training sessions.

Many dog owners prefer a retractable leash. These are nylon leashes that are encased in a plastic casing, and vary in length up to about 25 feet or so. The best models of this type have a one-button “braking” system that stops your dog from going beyond a set distance, as well as a spring mechanism that allows you to adjust just how far you want to extend the lead.

Retractable leashes are a good idea if you walk your dog in a variety of settings: you can “reel” him in if you’re on city sidewalks or in situations where there are a lot of people or other dogs around, then you can expand the distance between you when you get to the park or an open space.

Bottom line – comfort and safety come first when making your choice – fashion should be a distant second!

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